Missed this week's announcements? Check out our Key Updates below.

Biblical Literacy – March 23rd, 30th, and April 6th
Do you want to read the Bible well? We want to help you do just that through this course. We will take the current theme of our discipleship pathway, “The People of God”, and trace it through the whole Bible. Along the way we will point you to helpful tools you can use as you engage with Scripture on your own. Click here for more information and to reserve your spot.
New Partner Lunch – Sunday, April 13th
Join us after service for lunch as we discuss what it means to be a partner at our church. This is the first step in becoming a member at our church. We will utilize our time to discuss our theological convictions, what it means to be a part of a local church, what you can expect of us as your church family, and what we expect of you in partnership. Lunch and childcare are provided. Click here to reserve your spot.
Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 19th, 3:00pm
All are welcome to join us on Saturday, April 19th (the day before Easter) for our second Easter Egg Hunt! We are thrilled to return to the Martin’s property in Ashland City where we will have a fantastic egg hunt in their field (even though everyone is invited, this is reserved for the kids, sorry adults!). After this, we will all enjoy an early dinner. Bring a lawn chair, an easter basket, and come ready to enjoy time with your church family!
Address: 1670 Same Creek Rd
Ashland City, TN 37015
Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 20th
On Easter Sunday we are thrilled to worship with you all! Join us for one of our two worship services. Our first service will be outside at McCabe Community Center at 7:30am. Our second service will be at our normal time, 10:30am, here at our church building. We hope you will make plans to bring a friend and worship with us. He is Risen!
Women’s Retreat – Saturday, April 26th, 9am-4pm
Ladies, it’s time to press pause on the busyness of life and take a day just for YOU! For only $30, come rest, recharge, and soak in God’s presence with other amazing women. We will spend the day at an AirBnB just a short drive away focusing on rest and fellowship. Find out more information and let us know you are coming by clicking here!
Discipleship Pathway
To help guide the spiritual formation of our church, our staff and elders have worked to develop our discipleship pathway, with the goal to develop conviction, character, and competency in Christ through sound doctrine, spiritual discipline, and community practice. For this semester, we are focused on “The People of God”. Read more about the pathway, the spiritual disciplines we are currently practicing, and grab our Bible reading plan by clicking here.
Join a Life Group
Life Groups are grace-filled communities for the purpose of growing in the ways of Jesus. Each week, we meet with one another in the thick of life, hence “Life Groups,” to share challenges and victories as we aim to put the way of Jesus into practice. To join a group, head over to our groups page and fill out our form. For more information on groups, email our Discipleship Pastor, Tanner Heath, at tanner@thegospelchurch.com.
Serve at Nashville Rescue Mission
We will be serving breakfast from 5:30am -7:00am at Nashville Rescue Mission the first Thursday of each month. We would love for you to join us as we seek to love the homeless community in our city. Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus by providing this small act of kindness to our neighbors. Click here to sign up.
Join a Serve Team
Through the example of Christ, we see that serving is essential to Christian living (Mark 10:45). If you would like to hear more about our serving opportunities and find out how to use your gifts for the kingdom, please email serve@thegospelchurch.com
Love Your Neighbor – Provide a Meal
In the ups and downs of life, there are times where you need your faith community to come around and support you in very tangible ways. This may be after the loss of a loved one, during a season of sickness, or after welcoming a new baby home. One of the ways we can tangibly serve is by providing a meal. Click here for more details on how you can love your neighbor by providing a meal in their time of need.
Receive our Weekly Emails
To stay up to date on what is happening in our church community, to receive Pastor Cole’s Line Out for a Walk writing, and to be included in any last minute updates, please click here to add yourself to our weekly email list.